The purpose of this training is to improve people's creativity skills in utilizing coconut fiber into kokedama, so that it can be used as a business opportunity during the covid 19 pandemic. The implementation of this activity is in one of the houses of the Neighborhood Association (RT) 12 Jalan Gedang District, Bengkulu City. The method of this activity is by providing counseling, training, and mentoring about making kokedama. The result of this activity is the community in RT. 12 Kelurahan Jalan Gedang received new knowledge about how to make kokedama by using coconut fiber as a substitute for potting media. The results obtained from this community service process were very positive and enthusiastic community responses in the process of socialization, practice, and mentoring. The recommendation is that the activity of utilizing coconut fiber into kokedama will be further developed in the community in a larger scope as a business opportunity and increase the community's economic income.
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