The purpose of training using the schoology learning management system is practice mathematica teacher skills in Musi Rawas High School in using internet based learning Learning Management System using the Schoology web application to help the process of learning mathematics. e-learning on the internet can help teachers distribute material to students by interacting online. This can make it easier for teachers to deliver all material, practice exercises and evaluations that are usually done in class in the form of files that can be accessed by students through a variety of devices including mobile phones outside of face-to-face learning. Learning management training activities system-schoology for teachers at MGMP mathematics high school covering stages: 1) socialization LMS-Schoology 2), training material 3), discussion and 4) evaluation stage end and the provision of the survey to find out a response teacher. The results of the teacher's response to training activities in an effort to improve the skills of designing and using technology and information in mathematics learning are 62% of teachers answered strongly agree, 38% of teachers answered agree. This assistance is expected to provide added value to knowledge for teachers and produce the product of e-learning which can be implemented easily and can also be accessed anytime and anywhere.
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